MCRA Spec House
WILLIAMSON - The Mingo County Redevelopment Authority is nearing completion of the spec house that it’s been building near Mingo Central High School, in partnership with Coalfield Development Corporation. Executive Director, Leasha Johnson, announced at the April 20th board meeting that the construction crew is putting the finishing touches on the interior of the house, which should be completed within the next two weeks. According to Johnson, the house will be appraised next month, with plans to have a public viewing on June 6. Anyone interested in purchasing the home must present a letter of credit from a bank or lending institution in order to bid on the house at the public auction, the date for which has yet to be determined.
Also during the June 6 open house event, approximately 20 lots in the Redevelopment Authority’s housing division, ranging in size from ½ an acre to two acres, will be clearly marked for viewing with appraisal prices per lot also being made available. The lots will be sold on a first come/first serve basis at prices no lower than the appraised value.
Johnson said that the MCRA is excited about the opportunity to have developed this housing site which will afford Mingo County residents an opportunity to buy or build homes out of the flood plain, in an area that offers majestic views of the Appalachian mountain ranges and breathtaking sunsets.

Johnson also updated the MCRA board regarding the Aquaponics facility, which will be built at Kermit.
“Site assessment continues on the Aquaponics project with land access and property ownership issues still being addressed,” Johnson said. “During the month, the project partners hired a reputable Aquaponics consulting firm from Wisconsin, Nelson & Pade Aquaponics.”
“Nelson & Pade will assist us in designing a system that’s energy efficient and bio-secure, and one that will allow us to maximize production while effectively managing startup and operating costs.” The Aquaponics and engineering consultants are currently preparing design alternatives, and within the next two weeks, the project team should be able to finalize the facility layout and site development footprint,” Johnson added.