Business Assistance
The State of West Virginia, and particularly Mingo County, have thrived for years on traditional energy economies such as coal and natural gas. A changing global economy has prompted emerging value-added sectors such as renewable energy, distribution, and manufacturing, and the Mingo County Redevelopment Authority is here to assist new and existing businesses and industry in taking advantage of the state’s proven business climate.
Advantages of Doing Business in West Virginia
According to Forbes, West Virginia has the 15th lowest cost of doing business in the country
West Virginia has a proven, dedicated and skilled workforce.
West Virginia’s manufacturing employee turnover rate is among the lowest in the nation.
West Virginia’s utility rates are among the lowest in the nation.
West Virginia is #1 in exporting electricity and coal to the nation.
West Virginia’s cost of living is among the lowest in the nation.
West Virginia’s pro-growth tax reform includes phasing out of the Business Franchise Tax by 2015, and a reduction of the Corporate Net Income tax to 6.5% by 2014.
West Virginia is one of only 18 states that have not had to borrow federal funds to pay unemployment compensation benefits.
Workers’ Compensation rates have declined significantly since the privatization of the system in 2006.